Friday, April 6, 2007


In addition to the various books, articles and magazines sourced throughout this site, here are some additional resources people involved with the sex trade may find helpful;

Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Website –
Phone – 1-866-863-0511

The Assaulted Women’s Helpline is a valuable resource for sex trade workers, since unfortunately they do face an increased incidence of violence. The organization provides resources for anyone who is experiencing or has experienced violence or abuse. Some of these resources include; 24 hour telephone crisis counseling, emergency housing referrals and sources for legal advice. All their services are anonymous and confidential. The Assaulted Women’s Helpline also provided education on anti-violence initiatives.

Maggie’s: Toronto Prostitutes’ Community Service Project
Website -
Phone - 416-964-0150

Maggie’s is a non-profit, trans-positive environment for current and former sex trade workers. It is a place where people can go to receive education and other resources related to their work or in hopes of finding work in another industry. Maggie’s believes in decriminalization of the sex trade and labour rights for workers. The organization offers free condoms and publishes a ‘bad trick’ sheet to encourage prostitute safety.

Streetlight Support Services
Website –
Phone – 1-877-300-9997

Streetlight Support Services has a focus on assisting those working in the sex trade who would like to get into another industry. Most people are referred to their services as a result of criminal charges related to prostitution; they are also the creators of “John School”. They employ several graduates of George Brown College’s Assaulted Women’s and Children’s Counsellor and Advocate Diploma Program. Streetlight offers a Choices Diversion program which is a 4 week counseling program covering topics such as; gender roles, the cycle of violence, and safety planning.

For more information on these resources and others like them you can access 211 Toronto online at or via phone by dialing 211. These information services are also available for the Niagara Region, Simcoe County, and the whole province of Ontario. 211 is now also available in Calgary and Edmonton, with services for Alberta currently being planned. Go to to access all of these sites.

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