The so-called negative aspects of the sex trade are often focused on by the mainstream media, which is unquestionably filled with patriarchy and gendered oppression. However, the benefits of pornography and prostitution are rarely discussed publicly. The International Union of Sex Workers describes these benefits as;
1. Prostitutes may prevent rape by servicing those with a strong sex drive who are not able to find other willing partners.
2. Prostitutes can service disabled people who are unable to reach orgasm without their assistance, something others take for granted.
3. Prostitutes provide sex without attachment or having to form a new relationship, allowing a person to avoid being emotionally hurt but still satisfying their needs or desires.
4. Prostitutes are like sexual therapists, providing a solution to a variety of problems.
5. Prostitutes provide orgasms for the inhibited or fetish seekers who are otherwise unable to reach climax.
6. Prostitutes are highly skilled experts and can provide high quality sex that the average person would not be capable of.
7. Prostitutes provide more than just sex, including companionship and counseling.
8. Prostitutes find their job satisfying. The freedom to set their own hours, make money, and exploring their own sexuality are reasons some find it enjoyable.
9. Prostitutes can educate people on how to have better and safer sex in their own lives.
10. Prostitution is liberating for clients and workers, especially women sex workers.
11. Prostitution provides an alternative to stealing or starving when someone needs to provide for themselves or their children.
12. Prostitutes can help people discover their own sexuality, identity and desires.
13. Prostitutes provide sex which has been proven medically to be good for mental and physical health.
14. Prostitutes can help those who have been sexually abused overcome their issues.
15. Prostitution can be empowering for the sex workers themselves.
A question to consider; would you rather see a family doctor or a specialist for brain surgery? If you answered specialist, wouldn’t you like to have the same options for your sexual needs? Not allowing each individual to make their own choice is a form or control, which can be directly related to patriarchal ideals and gendered oppression.
Wendy McElroy defends pornography as a ‘pro-sex’ feminist and argues its benefits extend to both men and women in the following ways;
1. Pornography provides information relating to a variety of different sexual experiences and shows them in a different way than textbooks or discussions.
2. Pornography allows a safe method of experiencing some fantasies, especially rape fantasy scenarios.
3. Pornography breaks stigmas and stereotypes about sexual acts and can allow each individual to make their own decision on the act in their life.
4. Pornography can be good therapy and is often recommended by licensed sexual therapists for self-exploration or to help in a couple’s relationship.
5. Pornography is a form of self-expressing and free speech.
6. Pornography allows women to control their own body similar to using birth control or the right to abortion, laws against any of these are attacks on women’s rights.
7. Pornography is helpful to people who have strong sexual or violent urges, and may even prevent rape.
8. Pornography, if legal, helps to reduce the stigma associated with all sex workers increasing their personal safety.
McElroy ends by stating that, “law should protect choice”, leaving everyone free to decide what they view or participate in, without government interference (McElroy). Numerous sex workers have expressed similar sentiments to those above, plus a number of other personal reasons for choosing the work they do (Nagle).
Works Cited:
Bell, Laurie, ed. Good Girls/Bad Girls: Sex Trade Workers and Feminists Face to Face. Toronto: The Women’s Press, 1987.
“IUSW – Recommendations – Appendix 3.” The International Union of Sex Workers. 9 March 2007
McElroy, Wendy. A Feminist Overview of Pornography, Ending in a Defense Thereof. 7 March 2007
Nagle, Jill, ed. Whores and Other Feminists. New York: Routledge, 1997.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
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